Offloading Actions in Clang Driver


In heterogeneous computing, many programming models take use of computation offloading by transfering resource intensive computational tasks to an external platform, such as a cluster, grid or a cloud. Offloading may be necessary due to hardware limitations of a devices, such as limited computational power, storage, and energy. Here, we will make a birdview of the offloading action of CUDA and OpenMP in clang driver.

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NDArray: A Headers only Template Library for N Dimensions Tensor Expressions


NDArray is short for N Dimension Array, it is a headers only library for N-Dimensions array(i.e. tensor in deep learning) expressions, such as arithmatic operations, reshape, reduction, slice and etc.

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Tiny Storm SQL: A Real Time Stream Data Analysis Interface for Apache Storm


SQL is a well-adopted interface especially for those non-computer major people. Several projects including Hive, Drill, Phoenix and Spark have already invested significantly in their SQL layers. Here we implement a Storm-based query language system for real time stream data analysis.

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ELF Parser


In Unix-like system, the Executable and Linkable Format (ELF, formerly called Extensible Linking Format) is a common standard file format for executables, object code, shared libraries, and core dumps.

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Modify the Source Code of Google's Open-source Framework --- Blockly


Blockly is an open-source framework under Apache 2.0 License for creating visual programming editors. It is a project of Google,which is able to run in web browser, Android or iOS operating system. Blockly uses blocks that link together to make writing code easier, and can generate JavaScript, Python, PHP, Lua or Dart code automatically. It can also be customised to generate code in any computer language.

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Config File Parser

IDL platform-tool

This archive is about how to use Flex and Bison (Yacc) to parse config files that is self-defined. The contens is shown below:

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Library Manager Engine

IDL platform-tool

I have been coding an platform recently, which can manage library binaries on end users devices, such as android, iOS and so on.

The platform is a Service Store, which just like the app store in android, where delelopers develop their own apps and deploy them onto the app store, and users can download the app that they like and install it on his or her devices. Therefore, android's app store can be treated as an ecological system.

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